Spring Decor Trends We Are Excited to See in 2024


Take apartment living to the next level by putting your own spin on some 2024 spring decor trends! As the weather warms up and nature comes alive in Salt Lake City, it’s the perfect time to refresh your living space with a touch of seasonal charm. From vibrant botanical prints to home goods made from sustainable materials, this blog post will guide you through the latest apartment trends that will bring a breath of fresh air into your Foothill Place apartment.

Adding More Colors and Pastels

In 2024, the spring looks are all about adding more color and pastels throughout your decor. One popular trend is incorporating vibrant botanical prints into your space, whether through wall art, lightweight throws, or accent pillows. Another apartment-friendly trend is embracing pastel hues, such as soft pinks, mint greens, and baby blues, which can be introduced through sheer window dressings or floor rugs. These trends not only bring a sense of freshness and vitality to your apartment, but they also brighten up the atmosphere for the spring season.

Designer Finishes on a Budget

Achieving a designer trend decor look on a budget is easier than you might think, especially when you embrace sustainable materials. One way to do this is by upcycling accent furniture and accessories, giving them a fresh coat of paint. Another budget-friendly option is to shop at flea markets, thrift stores, or online marketplaces for unique and affordable pieces that can be easily incorporated into your apartment. Additionally, consider DIY projects using sustainable materials like bamboo, rattan, or reclaimed wood to create stylish and eco-friendly decor items that will elevate your space without breaking the bank.

Check out Capital City Antique Mall on S West Temple and start looking for that first spring project!

Repurposing Home Goods

Repurposing home goods into trendy decor is a creative and budget-friendly way to add a unique touch to your apartment. Consider transforming mason jars into stylish candle holders or silverware/napkin holders. Repurpose vintage suitcases as chic side tables or statement storage pieces. By giving new life to items you already have or finding hidden gems at thrift stores, you can create one-of-a-kind decor that reflects your personal style while reducing waste and embracing sustainability.