Indoor Summer Activities to Stay Fresh: Apartment-Friendly Edition


Summer is one of the busiest times of the year, with people traveling to various tourist destinations. However, for Foothill Place apartment residents looking to spend time indoors, there are several activities they can engage in to keep up with summer apartment trends. Below are a few indoor activities to explore and stay cool in your apartment in Salt Lake City.

Staying Cool Indoors

Create Crafts

A good way to stay fresh indoors is to dedicate a day to arts and crafts. You can choose a solo craft day or involve family and friends to make it more fun. Art and craft can be in various forms, from paper cutouts to painting a masterpiece. If you don’t have an idea, you can watch online tutorials and learn how to design your favorite patterns, some of which you can use to decorate your space.

Explore New Recipes

Another way to beat the heat is to explore your culinary skills by exploring new recipes. Use this chance to try out new dishes, both local and indigenous. However, you would want to stay away from heat-intensive meals since the goal is to stay cool. Pastries and baked meals are the best choices for the best apartment living experience.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Stay Refreshed

Aside from the fun activities, you can do a few other things in the house to stay refreshed during summer. One of the best summer eco-friendly tips for indoors is;

Starting an Upcycling Project

Take advantage of the summer climate to declutter and upcycle some items in your home. Instead of hoarding old clothes, utensils, and other objects, it may be time to repurpose them and increase their value.

Explore fun Summer Apartment Trends in Salt Lake City.

Summer is a fun-filled time of the year with numerous activities you can explore, out and indoors. If you prefer a chilled approach, you can try popular summer indoor activities in your Foothill Place apartment in Salt Lake City.